Saturday, April 26, 2008

Random Review #43: Kangaroo scrotum pouch

Yes, seriously. These are pouches made of kangaroo scrotum, shipped all the way from Austraila. I'm pretty grossed out by this. The website refers to them as "small romantic gifts with big sentimental value." As if I'm going to cherish the ballsack of a cute kangaroo. Poor guy never saw it coming.
Kangaroo scrotum pouches are made from the scrotum of male kangaroo, and it's said to be very lucky; all those in possession of one is assured of a long life, happiness and healthy children.

That kangaroo isn't going to have healthy children or a long life because you cut his goddamn nuts off! He isn't so lucky, either. It's like an Australian version of the rabbit's foot, but completely fucked up. Ugh. Is it weird that I want one now?

The website is located here ("scrotum gift shop"):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...