Thursday, April 3, 2008

Random Review #20: "Running The Numbers," a photography exibit by Christopher Jordan

We as humans, consume. It is the one thing that everyone does and will do for all of existence. But as Americans, humans waste. The proof is in photographer Christopher Jordan's masterpiece of an exibit, "Running the Numbers." Using everyday items and Photoshop, Jordan has created massive murals depicting how much "stuff" Americans waste.
The picture below is an example, which "depicts two million plastic beverage bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes" (click to enlarge photos):

After seeing all of these, I became immensely sad. You can hear the number all day long, but it isn't until you see it that you wrap your mind around the massive quantity.

Information on this project is located here:

Note: I haven't actually seen this exibit, just what he has online. Note that the pictures are around 6-7 feet high in most cases. Geez.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is fucking amazing.

I love this website dude!