Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Random Review #29: The YouTube video "Sweded Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back"

Video is located here:

For those of you that don't know what "sweded" means (definition taken from
The summarized recreation of popular pop-culture films using limited budgets and a camcorder. The process is called sweding. Upon completion the film has been Sweded.

This minute-long video is fucking amazing. These dudes made this to enter the "Empire in 60 seconds" contest, as explained on the video's page.
Due to the nature of this short, lots of footage remains on the cutting room floor ( so to speak ) So expect a longer version soon (ish)
I can't wait to see the final one. There is nothing I don't like about this. Borat Fett, "pew pew" blaster noises, shitty animation, and crappy acting. It has it all. Definitely one of the best sweded videos I've ever seen. It really makes me want to go out and make a few of these. I'd probably ruin the concept though.

Original article (where I stole the picture from):

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