Thursday, March 20, 2008

Random Review #4: Rejected Star Wars products

I stumbled across some rejected Star Wars stuff that Pepsi was apparently looking at making to hype the release of "The Phantom Menace" in 1999. Below are the few I'd actually be interested in.

Holy shit, a Jabba bean bag chair. I've been wanting one of these since I realized Jabba was large and squishy. I'd seriously like to sit in that chair and watch Star Wars. Or have sex on it. But having sex on anything Star Wars-related would likely make the universe implode upon itself.

I really like this idea. I'd like it more if the heads were realistic; like real-feeling fake fur, and latex for the skin. Almost like real taxidermy. If they looked like stuffed animals though, it would be completely fucking pointless and dumb.

Nothing brings back memories of nerdy college life in the 80's like having foosball tournaments, drinking Tab, and watching Star Wars. They brilliantly put two of these together, and unfortunately didn't follow through with it. Oh, and don't put Sculpey on a normal foosball player to make him look like Darth Vader; it'll fly off and hit you in the eye when your friend does his "extreme spin" move.

Original article (to see the rest) located here:

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